Simple and economical solutions for 2.5 billion people that do not have water safe to drink
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Sélectionner un thème :
Facilitating access to water
Reducing the cost of water
Sanitation and preservation
Awareness efforts on hygiene and health
Organising and Managing
Designing a project
Social or solidarity pricing
Price of water
Innovating methods and others
Collecting effluents
Draining effluents
Treating effluents
Designing a project
General principles
Governance of water and sanitation services
Participative Community management
Facilitating access to water
E2 - Various technologies for water catchment and spring arrangement
E3 - Water catchment and simple spring arrangement
E3 bis –Water catchment and spring arrangement with reservoir and/ or necessity of drainage
E4 - Rain water recovery
E5 - Water recovery by condensation of water contained in fog
E6 - Water recovery contained in dew
E7 - Construction of small surface dams
E8 - Construction of small sub-surface dams
E9 - Methods for finding underground water and water tables
E10 - Traditional technologies to preserve water by the arrangement of small water areas (ponds, swamps...)
E11- Methods of artificial water table recharge
E12 - Soil arrangement technologies to preserve water and to fight against drought and erosion
E13 - Soil arrangement technologies to fight against desertification
E14 - Finding and stopping leaks
E15 – Methods for properly transporting and storing drinking water at home
E16 - How to build and maintain a water tank or a reservoir. Dosages to use for the concrete
E17 - Simple water treatment methods for use in the home
E18 - Treatment by chlorination
E19 -Treatment by sun exposure. SODIS and Solvatten methods
E20 - Treatment using solar power and production of UV radiation
E21 - Treatment by slow sand filtration for use in the home
E22 - Treatment by ceramic filters
E23 - Pretreatment – flocculation and settling– using moringa oleifera grains
E24 - Pretreatment in urban area by lamellar settling
E 25- Possibilities of using sea water or brackish water desalination. Perspectives
E26 – Analysis and quality of water. Main standards and indicators for drinking water
E27 - Methods and available means, either simple or more elaborate, for the physical, chemical and/or bacteriological analysis of the water
E28 – Various types of wells and boreholes. General points
E29 - Hand-dug wells
E30 - Driven wells
E31- Boreholes
E32 - Importance and means for the maintenance of wells and boreholes
E33 - Means of rehabilitation of old wells and boreholes
E34 - Return to service and disinfection of wells
E35 – Main types of hand pumps. General fact sheet
E36 – Advantages and disadvantages of hand pumps. How to select and maintain them?
E37 - Presentation of some common models of hand pumps
E38 - Rope pumps
E39 - Hydraulic and treadle pumps
E40 - Motor pumps
E41 - Solar pumps
E42 - Wind powered pumps
E43 - Hydraulic pumps (hydraulic ram)
E44 - Drinking-fountains
E45 - Village hydraulics: Construction of mini water distribution networks
E46 - The construction of gravity networks from springs or high-up expanses of water
E47 - Connections to a network and social connections
E48 - Construction standards for networks and structures: desirable simplifications in the poorest rural and suburban areas
E51 - Solutions for irrigating kitchen-gardens and community market-garden produce
E52 - Technologies for simple and efficient irrigation
E53 - Micro-irrigation. The "drop by drop" process
E54 - Irrigation using ultraviolet resistant flexible hoses
E55 - Irrigation using water retention agents based on biological swelling polymer crystals
E56 - Irrigation by recycling waste water
E57 – Irrigation pump for fields or market-gardens
E58 - Low-cost treadle pumps for irrigation
E59 - Animal traction type pumps
E49 - Drinking water in the poorest suburban areas and in shanty-towns
E49a – The current situation and the issues
E49b – Technical solutions for supplying water
E49c – Technical solutions for distributing water
E49d – The main methods of management and governance
E50 – Kitchen-gardens and community market-gardens? How to create and manage them?
Designing a project
E60 - Recommendations and main questions to be raised before establishing and executing a project to create or improve a drinking water point or service
Sanitation and preservation
Collecting effluents
A2 - Sumps
A3 - Septic tanks. Mini septic tanks and sewage tanks
A4 - Grease removers
A5 - Latrines. General points. How to choose them
A6 - Simple dry non-ventilated pit latrines
A7 - Alternatives of these single-pit latrines and twin pit latrines
A8 - Dry self-ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP), simple or twin pit
A9 - ECOSAN ecological compost latrines
A10 - ECOSAN ecological compost latrines with urine separation
A11 - Biological latrines with family-size biogaz reactors combined with small farms
A12 - More modern latrines, with siphon and manual or mechanical flush
A13 - Latrines and sanitary units for schools and communities
Draining effluents
A14 – Main withdrawal and transportation of latrine sludge and effluents (buckets, carts, tanks, sewage vehicles, combined or separate systems)
A15 - Mini sewer networks with small diameter drains at low depth combined with a decentralised summary treatment system
A16 - Sanitation in condominiums in the poor sections of town and in shantytowns
Treating effluents
A 17- Various ecological treatment solutions rather than conventional sewage treatment plants. General presentation
A 18 - Bar screens and spreading systems of wastewater by batch
A19 - Digestors and grease removers
A20 - Macrophyte filters
A21 – Lagooning techniques
A22 – Familial sanitation by lagooning and/or by macrophyte filters
A23 - Sand filtration for raw water or wastewater treatment
A24 - Filtering mass
A25 - Treatment by willow-plantation or reed-bed zones at the outlet of a sewage treatment plant
Designing a project
A26 - Recommendations and main questions to be raised before establihing and executing a project to create or improve a sanitation point or service
Reducing the cost of water
Social or solidarity pricing
Social pricing. General principles and main methods. (B2)
Progressive linear pricing, the most common form of so-called "social" pricing (B3)
Progressive pricing via brackets ("super progressive" or "sliding brackets") (B4)
Pricing of a socio-economic nature (B5)
Reduced price social pricing (B6)
"Mixed" social pricing and reducing the fixed portion in "two-part" pricing (B7)
Solidarity pricing and specific means for reducing the price of water for underprivrileged uses (B8)
Price of water
B1 - The cost of water and its pricing general principles
Innovating methods and others
B9 - Social assistance and covering unpaid bills
B10 - The various subsidy methods, grants for "social" connections
B11- Microcredit: A new means of financing for the poor
B12- New types of contracts comprising social objectives OBA (Output-Based Aid) Contracts
B13 - Innovative financing solutions
Awareness efforts on hygiene and health
General principles
C1 – General principles and methods of education and awareness as to hygiene and health issues concerning water and sanitation
C2 – The PHAST approach and SARAR
C3 – Awareness and education to hygiene and health issues relating to water: the main training methods - The PRA method
C4 – The method of using specific guidelines
Organising and Managing
Governance of water and sanitation services
C5 - The various legal modes of governance et management of water and sanitation services. in developing countries. Community management
Participative Community management
C6 - The management Committees and users Associations of water resources. Role, operation, tools, advantages and disadvantages
C7– Examples of successful experiences of communautary management in the CARITAS network
C8 - Other examples of successful experiments