Simple and economical solutions for 2.5 billion people that do not have water safe to drink

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WIKIWATER is a solidarity association created at the end of 2016 by a group of volunteer experts to manage, make known and continually upgrade the internet site of the same name. We went online in 2012, at the 6th World Water Forum.

One human in four does not have access to drinkable water, and only one in three has correct sanitation. This, while there exists very simple, inexpensive and easy to deploy methods for anyone, on a small scale, to have drinkable water and an acceptable sanitation (by constructing for example toilets).

To make known these methods (“Water Self Access”), to continually improve upon them, and to bring about the birth of new ones; this is the mission that the WIKIWATER Association has set for itself. We do so through our Internet site, while working so that this new concept in developmental aid (giving people the means to help themselves, in particular through the transfer and sharing of knowledge, rather than assisting them) will be better spread and used.

Our Conviction:

We can only obtain substantial and a durable amelioration in access to water and sanitation, of which are still deprived more than 2.5 billion people, by taking full advantage of these peoples own capacity, and in particular the very poorest, for they themselves to take charge of their future.

Our Concept:

New and radically different from what is generally proposed, it consists not of simply gathering and sending mostly donations or technicians, useful as this may be in certain cases, but to give the possibility to people without sufficient financial resources to resolve the problems by themselves.

Our wish:

To enlarge the association by opening up more to others and trying to create a grouping of organizations that seek to facilitate and promote access to water for everyone, and in particular for those populations the most lacking in water and sanitation.

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