Simple and economical solutions for 2.5 billion people that do not have water safe to drink

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Wikiwater can help you if you are responsible for a project in the water sector, regardless of your location on the planet.

Wikiwater can assist you at all stages of the project, in both the development and execution phases.

Wikiwater offers you two levels of support :

  1. Contributor account
  2. Project leader account

Level 1 - Contributor account

The contributor account allows you to participate in forums, for example, by asking questions or leaving comments on project sheets.

Create a contributor account

Free account upon registration, requiring a valid email.

Level 2 - Project leader account

The project leader account allows you to :

  • participate in forums,
  • propose the publication of a project
  • and benefit from direct access to the advice of the Wikiwater team.

To take advantage of these benefits :

  1. Create a contributor account
  2. and then request an upgrade of your account

Free account upon registration, requiring a valid email.

Feel free to share these benefits with your friends and acquaintances who also have a project.

Make a donation